Monday, June 14, 2010

10 Things I Hate about the Black Church

Being raised in a Black Pentecostal Church for my entire life I have seen a lot of things that are outright hilarious, things that will make the most serious person double over with laughter. Then there are somethings within the Church that will make you upset, and angry enough to think about leaving the Black Church. We have got to do better...
10 Things that I HATE!!!

10) Offering Time- How I have begun to loath this! It sounds like an auction! "Do I see $100 there? Yes $100 there! Do I see a $50!? $50!?". If everyone would give honestly and pay their tithes we wouldn't have this problem, and good churches wouldn't struggle!
9) The Person Who Does Announcements But Can't Read- "Who put them up?" Is the question the entire church ask when Brother (or Sister) Can't read is up fumbling over the announcements. Church Why? Is this supposed to help them learn how to read? How about this, instead of embarrassing them let's start a reading program in the church and help them and others who can't read.
8) The "Feminine" Male choir Director- I have heard every excuse for this man. "He was raised by his mother". "He just likes to wear loud colors". "You don't know his story". I have three words on this and I am leaving it alone "SIT HIM DOWN!!!!"
7) The Church Celebrities- So what you can sing or play an instrument, outside of this church no one knows you. Get a grip on reality!
6) The Mean Usher- No one cares that your feet hurt. You should have never joined the usher board if you have bad feet! And stop tryna take my candy out my mouth!
5) The Praise Dancers That Have Never Had REAL Dance Lessons- Just please for the sake of the ENTIRE congregation take a dance lesson from a REAL dance instructor.
4) The Choir That Uses Too Much Vibrato- By the second verse I am tired of hearing you, because I can't understand you.
3) The Way We Treat Each Other-We say we love each other, but when we go home we forget about each other. We say we are a family, but I don't know any good family member that would watch another family member struggle. We really need to get this together myself included.
2)The Way We Treat Our Wounded-Your struggle is none of my business. I am called to love you and not kill you with my words.
1)The Way We Treat Our Pastors- They should never have to look for us, call us, continue to lay hands on us if we have been saved and in the church longer than 5 years. You are no longer a baby, Man (or Woman) Up and walk and start being a help and not a leech.

Again, this from my point of view and I am just telling it like it TIS!

1 comment:

  1. Honey hilarious and true....I am so mad at # 9 and Amen to 7.
